Saturday, April 7, 2012

“The Red Ocean” by Kerby Marcelin

So close but invisible
Deeper! but closer! every time, we betray  nature’s soul
Even wider than the Pacific ocean
Major body of poisoned blood beautified by the red sand

Principal component of the Bloodosphere
 Which separates tolerance and respect from corruption
This is where all our hate flows, and the renaissance of fear
It is where there’s no optimism, but the blind solution

It assumes an unpardonable crime which brings nightmarish facts
It is the nonsense caused by the irritability of Neptune
That embraces an indissoluble contract
There, we can touch and kiss the secret moon

Its inhabitants possess an adipose fin like the one of the rainbow trout
And also locked with fear’s root
In fact, It is located in the heart of each of us
Its mission is to inundate the truth  and beautify the lies within the dust

The unobtrusive  boat lies calmly  on its  fist
It’s the vast south for the fist time behind the grandiose north
A miracle, yes entirely reddish
Only one single thing can make it blue, LOVE

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